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Location: United States

daughter, mother, wife, big ole perv, ecclectic, vibrant, insatiably curious

Sunday, October 08, 2006

of toys and penguins....Revisited.

Editors note: This was originally posted in October 2006. I have reviewed and edtied a bit. I hope this satisfies everyones penguin curiosity. Oh, and after this post, my Mother gave us a "Happy Feet" calendar and a penguin pic for the wall for Christmas and for my birthday I recieved penguin pajamas. I love my family. They are so pleasantly twisted.

Did I ever tell you penguins make me horny? Silly I know, but its not the penguin its self per say but really the association with them.

I was babysitting (I wont divulge my age to protect the not so innocent) one evening, the kids were already in bed. I was having just a dandy time playing with the kids toys. Ever have one of those top toys with the handle on top? You push the handle down and the toy spins. I, in all my "wowanly wisdom", was tryin to see how fast I could get it to spin. I must have wasted 45 minutes being so easily amused, unaware I was amusing my window peeper.

RAP! RAP! RAP! on the window. Terrified I looked up. Heart pounding, hands trembling, breath holding terror.... until his benevolent mischeivous eyes met mine. Embarrassed, but delighted, I exhaled relief. He was lean, handsome and wanting inside. Inside to talk to me. Now I'm trembling again, except this time its good. I let him in to more than just the house.

I was giddy. He seemed so mature, in control. He moved with purpose and grace, like a dancer but with more edge.

He was silver tongued too.
His words carressed me before his hands ever touched my skin.

He was gentle and determined. He came for a purpose. I was his purpose. I glowed like only a lass in love can, surrendering willingly. He showed me the way and I followed his lead, mirroring his kisses and his caresses. His desire multipled mine.

The couch gave way to something unknown, unfamilar. Trepidation was replaced with an overwhelming sence of security, well being, bliss. Our teenage bodies mingled carnally. My awareness collapsed inward catapulted by the senousous sensations new to my young body.

I distinctly remember the sence of satisfaction as we lay together, fluids dancing while our muscles rested. He held me close, lovingly, respectfully. I remember feeling important, special, unique and wishing the whole world could be this happy too.

As my awareness of my surroudings returned apparently so did his. MRRP MRRP MRRP!
MRRP MRRP MRRP! I looked to him and he looked to me then we both looked at the TV. Penguins. We shared a laugh, warm bodies still pressed moistly together.

I still think of that moment when ever I see or hear penguins. Penguins make me hot and bothered. I am flooded with auditory, visualy, and olfactory sensations. You see, the penguins were there the first time I ever made love to another person. Not just sex, but honest, compassionate, passionate love to the man I am blessed to share this with now.....

MRRP Mrrp mrrp! Mrrrp mrrrp mrrp! waddle waddle Mrrp mrrp mrrp!


Blogger ZigZagMan said...

mrrrp mrrp mrrrp mrpp! :)

4:30 PM  
Blogger Suze said...

What a lovely story! I just recall snoring from his mother in the next bedroom. Lol

5:36 AM  
Blogger Mrs.ZigZagMan said...

suze I seem to recall something about an attic and Mom and Grandma downstairs.

7:58 PM  

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