Questions and Answers to Life and Everything

random thoughts and experiences

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Location: United States

daughter, mother, wife, big ole perv, ecclectic, vibrant, insatiably curious

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Dinner Conversations.....

The Princess and I were feeling particulary pretty. We sweet talked our way into dinner out. Braving the weather to show off a bit, we acquired the boys and made our way to a local sports bar.

We love this place. Good food, fun games (including air hockey, basketball, darts, pinball) and of course godo company.

While waiting for our meal, and the kids buring up all the quaters we had, I not only enjoy my husbands company, but eavesdropping on the other guests.

Tonight I leared about the joys of "corn chucking". Not shucking, I can do that and even remove every single filament of silk (thanks Dad, some habits die hard)but CHUCKING. I must say it almost sounds like fun, especially with a few friends and a case of beer. I must add the young gentleman telling this story admitted to being raised in the boonies. He also admitted to following his chucked corn and avoiding some detailed explaination about his acquired injuries.

I am going to stop there for now. My question my dear readers is what juvenile sport did you particpate in out of boredom? I can't wait for these answers.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bottle rocket battles. So much fun and somehow no one got seriously hurt. I don't mention this to the young 'uns tho.

9:21 AM  
Blogger ZigZagMan said...

The b.b. gun war or 85 is still somewhat infamous around that lake.

Crossman air rifles will always win against daisy red riders....

Three pumps my ass...hint, I'm shooting pellets too..aapt!!! :)

3:00 PM  
Blogger Bunny said...

We had a thing called the "Tundra Run" We ran across a large open field in the dead of winter ("the frozen tundra") in t-shirts, shorts, and with bare feet. It was stupid and required a large amount of liquor. Lucky we all still have our toes.

10:46 AM  
Blogger Mrs.ZigZagMan said...

omg gretty I saw a bottle rocket war evolve into roman candle and small hand guns!

zigzagman zig is that the same night that left you with a permanent bb in your body?

bunny i think we did that on the iced over lake once....

9:09 PM  
Blogger Suze said...

Hanging a coin from a piece of cotton and tapping on the window of the flat below. Great fun! Lol

2:38 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hey just a little note. Emily Anne Haiss arived Tue the 21st at 3:0opoe6 pm after one hour labor She was 6lb15.8oz and 19.5in and the best little baby in the world. Hope you have fun camping!

4:33 PM  
Blogger Matthew said...

Speaking of BB guns. We used to make hundreds of paper boats and then float them in a small pond in a nearby sandpit. We'd then use are bb guns to try to sink each others armadas. Whoever had the most boats still floating won. Ahhh good time.

12:54 PM  
Blogger Mrs.ZigZagMan said...

Christa! Congrats! and she is beautifull.

Matt that sounds like fun!

3:56 PM  

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